美国佐治亚理工学院Ye-Hwa Chen 教授报告会三则





报 告 人:Ye-Hwa Chen 教授

报告题目:  Kalman vs. Zadeh

报告简介:Once upon a time, Rudolf E. Kalman and Lofti A. Zadeh met in a conference. By that time, Kalman already single handedly established the modern control theory. Zadeh, on the other hand, established the fuzzy theory all by himself. They both were successful in their own right. But there was just one thing:They did not like each other.




报 告 人:Ye-Hwa Chen 教授

报告题目: How to formulate the equations of motion for mechanical systems?

报告简介: Newton started the Newtonian mechanics in 1687. Lagrange started the analytical mechanics in 1788. In his work, Lagrange inherited part of Newton and pioneered part by himself. People have been using their methods to formulate the equations of motion for mechanical systems. However, the formulation was harder than most people anticipated. Therefore the search for a better method still continued. It was a rather bumpy journey, until 1992…




报 告 人:Ye-Hwa Chen 教授

报告题目: Can Newton’s third law be questioned?

报告简介: Newton proposed three laws of motion. We know the first two laws can be verified by experiments. What we did not know was, at least before 1992, if the third law, which was the action-reaction principle, could be questioned and tested. However, something happened in 1992. That totally changed the game.


Ye-Hwa Chen教授1979年毕业于台湾台北大学,1983年和1985年获得美国加州大学(伯克利)硕士和博士学位,师从著名学者George Leitmann教授,现为美国佐治亚理工学院机械工程系终身教授。Chen教授多年来从事模糊动力学系统、机电系统动力学建模与控制方面的研究,在该研究领域,他具有创新的主体思路和独到的见解,特别是对于非线性不确定系统建模与控制领域有很深的造诣。Chen教授研究领域涵盖机械系统建模与控制技术、神经网络、模糊工程等。他尤其专注于对非线性不确定性动态系统建模与控制,研究了机械系统工程问题中不确定性的成因、描述和结果以及如何进行不确定系统的控制。 Chen教授为IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory,Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control,International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing等多个国际学术期刊编委会成员,2001年获得IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems的杰出论文奖。在国际学术期刊、会议上发表高水平论文130余篇。

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